We’re joining DexaFit Boston in Cambridge!

appointments may be booked and will be serviced at DexaFit Boston in Cambridge. (Cambridge, MA)

Please view our FAQs page for more information about this transition.

Boston’s premier DEXA scan, RMR, and VO2 Max test provider


We enable metrics driven approaches to fitness and wellness


By offering the latest, most accurate body composition technology


So you can establish your baselines and track your progress


Our Services

DEXA scan in progress


DEXA (Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry) scans are the gold standard for body composition measurement, capable of measuring body fat percentage, skeletal muscle mass and total body bone density. Used by sports labs all over the world, DEXA scans allow you to track changes in your body composition over time, answering questions such as

  • How much fat was lost during a diet? How much was subcutaneous fat (the fat that accumulates under the skin that you can grab) vs. visceral fat (the dangerous fat around your organs)?

  • How much muscle was gained during a new program?

  • How healthy and strong are your bones in relation to your age group average?*

DEXA scans are the most accurate form of body composition assessment, levels above what skin fold calipers, InBody, or other bioelectrical impedance scales can give you. Additionally, the radiation from a DEXA scan is minimal, comparable to that from a Boston to New York flight. The scan itself is non-invasive, takes only 10-20 minutes, and requires minimal preparation. We take your height and weight, and ask you to lie down on the machine.

Recommended Frequency

We recommend at least two scans per year if you’re starting a new fitness or nutrition program. The first before you start to establish a baseline, and a rescan after finishing a cycle of your program. Measuring the impact of well controlled nutrition and training allows you to determine if the changes are producing the desired results.

*DXAMetrics is not a medical facility and therefore the results from your tests should not be treated as an official medical report and advice. We are a health & wellness center whose goal is provide the general population with metric data to quantify and track their health and fitness progress.

**DXAMetrics does not scan for Dual Femur hip and spine (L1-L4) densitometry because the results are not meant to be used to diagnose bone conditions beyond a general sense of bone health vs. age. You must be referred by your doctor to a medical facility to receive a Dual Femur Hip and L1-L4 spine DEXA densitometry exam to check for indications of risk of fractures due to osteopenia/osteoporosis.

RMR Test being performed

RMR Measurement

RMR (Resting Metabolic Rate) is the number of calories your body requires when at complete rest. In other words, this is the number of calories you’d burn if you lay in bed all day.

This number is important for any nutrition program, as your RMR makes up about 70% of your Total Daily Energy Expenditure. Any plan targeting a calorie surplus or deficit uses the Total Daily Energy Expenditure as a baseline.

While online calorie calculators can give generic, rough, one-size-fits all estimates, our RMR measurement will give you your individual metabolic rate so that you can custom tailor your nutrition plan.

This is a 15 minute test during which you will be asked to sit in a chair and breathe normally into our premier Korr technology CardioCoach machine. The machine analyzes your oxygen consumption during this period, which directly correlates to calories burned.

Recommended Frequency

Like the DEXA, we recommend at least two tests, the first to establish a baseline and another after you’ve been working towards your fitness and nutritional goals. For example, gaining muscle or any body composition change may affect your metabolism, and knowing the exact change will help you calibrate your nutrition. Additional scans work well to track the effects of any specific diet or fitness program on your metabolism.

VO2 Max test being performed

VO2 Max Test

VO2 max is the most widely used indicator of cardiovascular fitness, giving you insights such as

  • How long you can sustain exercise at specific intensities

  • The heart rate at which the body switches over from burning fat to carbohydrates for energy

The term VO2 max specifically refers to the maximum amount of oxygen you use during intense or maximal exercise; thus it correlates strongly with aerobic endurance. Subsequently, professional and elite athletes and long distance runners often find this test useful.

This fitness assessment takes approximately 10 minutes, during which you’ll be using an exercise bike at increasing intensities while breathing into our Korr technology CardioCoach machine. The machine will measure your oxygen consumption and find your anaerobic threshold.

Recommended Frequency

After your initial baseline, re-testing your VO2 max will depend on the changes in your fitness training. If you’re training for a competition or event, you might find it useful to test at the beginning of your training program, and then re-test immediately prior to their competition to see measurable change in cardiovascular capacity.